Advanced Pistol With Optional Short Range Carbine Class, August 24 - August 29, 2025 - 75% Deposit
A 75% non-refundable deposit of $1050 is due for the pistol class at sign up. The optional rifle add-on costs $200 and can be added when you place your initial order or at check-in. Total cost of the pistol course is $1400.
Ammunition and Weapon Rentals are able to be purchased at check-in. Current ammunition cost is $320 per 1000 rounds of 9mm. Long gun rental is $100, handgun rentals are $50.
This is our Intermediate/Advanced Pistol course with optional short range carbine using the schools 9mm carbines. The class starts at 6:30 PM Sunday, August 24 and ends noon, Friday, August 29. Students supply all shooting gear for the pistol class and ammunition for the optional carbine class. Handgun and Carbines are available to rent if students are unable to provide their own. Approximately 2500 rounds of pistol ammunition is required and 800 9mm rounds for the optional short range carbine.
If you would like to reserve ammunition that can be done here. All ammunition is meant to be used on the range itself, and we will not sell ammunition to non-students, nor will we ship it. It is a simple reservation for us to have a head count beforehand. If, after your order, you would like to reserve ammunition you can simply contact us or let us know at check-in before your course. If placing an order for multiple students then please select multiple ammunition orders as necessary.
If the scheduled class does not have at least 8 students 60 days prior to the start of the class, it may be necessary for us the cancel the class and refund payment.
Date: August 24, 2025 - 5 Days